Monday, March 23, 2009

Why Is My Cup So Full?

A Devotional For The People of La Biche, Haiti
by Martin Avery

Why is my cup so full?
"I get up, have some bread and coffee." 
Why is my cup so full?
"Around three I eat a big meal"
Why is my cup so full?
"Then it may be 2-3 days I don't eat"
Why is my cup so full?
"There is no work here." 
Why is my cup so full? 
"I would like to work." 
Why is my cup so full? 
"My parents can't support me either."
Why is my cup so full?
"I want to be a music mixer." 
Why is my cup so full? 
"I'm going to Miami to study medicine." 
Why is my cup so full? 
Daylight comes through cracks in the church walls. 
Why is my cup so full? 
The lights go out in the service. 
Why is my cup so full? 
Half the roof is gone. 
Why is my cup so full? 
Precious wood cut for the cook fire. 
Why is my cup so full? 
Meat every night. 
Why is my cup so full? 
Water carried on their heads. 
Why is my cup so full? 
Singing and laughing everyday. 
Why is my cup so full? 
Praying and praying, 
Why is my cup so full? 
Loving and loving. 
Why is my cup so full? 
And why do I spill so much?

Martin Avery is a poet and humanitarian from Redfield, South Dakota. He may be reached by writing to

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